


POSTPONED // NMVD X Boiler Room at Control Club // 5th November with The Hacker, Tama Sumo, Alexandru Jijian, Kosta si Eddie Lanzat

Bucharest, 26th October 2021 – NMVD’s third edition, scheduled to take place on 5th November 2021, is postponed for a later date due to the raising number of SARS-CoV-2 infections and recent local restrictions. Tickets already purchased remain valid and can be used for access to our next NMVD party. More details will be available soon, please check our event page for news.


NOMVD presents its debut edition of traveling electronic music party series this summer, with three parties lined up for August and September in Bucharest, Mamaia/ Constanta and Iasi. The events will showcase a post-apocalyptic (which is not far away from reality) scenario with a variety of electronic music artists, custom made decor and wild interactive performance acts to enhance the ambiance.


După includerea sectorului cultural în schema de ajutor de stat ce urmează a fi lansată, prin care pot fi accesate fonduri nerambursabile pentru capital de lucru și fonduri nerambursabile pentru investiții, Guvernul invită sectorul cultural – muzical antreprenorial la masa discuțiilor pentru o mai bună gestionare a măsurilor sanitare trasate pentru industrie. Asociația Română a […]